Sunday, March 25, 2012

Research Round 2 March 27th
This article is to the point of many aspects that are contributing factors to the negative side of technology on our society. It delves into many interpersonal communciation deficits as well as how the internet has altered the way people communicate and interacts. I found this to be instrumental in strengthening my original opinion that technology is not all it is cracked up to be.
This article is also quite interesting on  yet another note.  It goes into detail on just how the social networking of today has a detrimental effect on our children.  Our children are exposed to too much information at too early of an age in today's society with the assistance of social networking.  They are growing up too fast, in a world that they are not ready for. This is the backbone for many other negative effects of technology.
I picked this article primarily because it showcases children and the effects that computers have on them. As I have stated before, children are now growing up in a world that there were always computers in, unlike the adult generation, who can remember a time when life did not include PC's and cell phones. It is interesting to see what effect these have had upon children, as well as the trickle down effect this leads to, such as medical, social and emotional issues.
This article, while not too entailed or long, was easy to read and understand, and at the same time, supported the notion of the health problems that our current day society deals with as our technology increases.  We are dealing with things today, that doctors and medical employees rarely saw fifty years ago. What is really alarming however, is the adult type illnesses that children are now demonstrating at very early ages. Again, I believe this article to be another strong ally in my hypothesis that technology really does have a down side to it..
This was an awesome collection of information discussing the breakdown of interpersonal communication in today's techno advanced society. It speaks of how social media has changed the way people communicate, and texting as well as other "new" forms of communication are having a negative effect of humans. We are a species of people that need contact with each other, and as our society advances, we seem to be loosing our ability to interact with one another.

All of these articles contained some great information to support my opinion that the expansion and growth of technology,while having some good aspects, is not all it is cracked up to be. There is very real negative effects that new technology brings with it, and we as thinking, intelligent beings must make our selves aware that there will be a price to pay in the long run for all of these "luxuries". It will come in many forms and infiltrate many aspects of our lives.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Round 1 Research

The first asserts that technology causes change in society, with society having a minimal
influence on technology. The second reverses the causality of the relationship,
maintaining that society and its values drive technology in certain directions and that
technology is therefore subservient to society and its values. The third argues that the
relationship between technology and society is intricate and complex, and that in given
situations and circumstances, either can influence the other to move in a different
I have found this author to be really insightful about his views on the negative aspects of technology. I have stated from the beginning, that every action we take must have an equal adverse reaction. This article is quite extensive, and goes into a lot more topics then I plan to cover in my research here, but as I enclosed atop, the basics are all the same. Technology controls us, therefore, we are victims of technology, and unable to be in control of it. To me, this is the very real issue that most individual never even consider when they think about their  Ipad, or smart phones. It is very disheartening to think of where we will be in another fifty years or so. Just how far can we go before this techno revolution backfires on us and leaves us standing in its dust. Will we one day answer to these computers that we now use for virtually every aspect of our day? It is truly a very scary thought indeed.