Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Technology and Human Values Topic Post

I had a lot of trouble picking out "a" topic for my research in this class.  I searched and searched and tossed around various ideas. I finally figured out "what" I want to research and write about, however, I still can not figure out how to condense this "idea", into a "topic". I would appreciate any input or suggestions from anyone after they read what I am considering.
I have never been a really BIG fan of technology, however, I have participated in enough of it to get by. For example, I have a laptop, and I surf the internet, post on Facebook, etc. I have a cell phone, and just recently, upgraded to a "smart phone".  I held out on all of this for quite some time, but eventually gave it.  My husband is much more into "techno" then I am, and was always encouraging me to take the plunge. Truth be told, I still prefer to reconcile my checkbook on paper, rather then a computer, and I still like to write letters ( I am truly worried about the inevitable future of the United States Postal Service). So what I am getting at is I want to research about the losses we endure as humans and a society, with the technological advancements of today. I can appreciate the advancements, but they always come at a cost, and just how high is that cost to us as social human beings? We are loosing so much interactions and personal contact, for the gain of instant gratification. The question is, is it worth the loss. I personally don't know where the line is for gain/loss, but I know its out there, and I am fearing we have begun to cross over to the other side.

1 comment:

  1. You've got a great start, and I think as you delve into your research, you'll be able to focus your topic even more. What do we lose when we adopt a smart phone or use email to send a message? This is, in large part, a personal answer and so not something you can research and find "the" answer for, but you can start reading what others have to say about the costs of modern technology and see where it leads you.
