Thursday, April 26, 2012

Final PLE Entry


This has been quite an exciting journey to be able to research and learn more about the negative, or down side of our every increasing technologically advanced society.  I have learned about some aspects that I personally had not even considered before I  began researching the topic. There has been some debate on the validity as well as the extent of just how much negative publicity technology should get. However, it was universal that there was defiantly a down side to our love of technology.
First, is the obvious, we as a society, are almost addicted to our cell phones.  How many of us have left our homes, and been almost to work or school, and realized you did not have your phone.  Most of us would turn around and go home and get it. And those who don't, had to seriously consider it, and most likely had an important engagement that could not be missed, in order not to return home for it.  How many of us would react the same way if it were a book, or your lunch? I am guessing not many.  We have a dependency on our phones like no other society before us.  Gone are the days of corded house phones, and the new technology of the time, "answering machines".  These almost seem archaic in today's world.  I have had the luxury of living in both worlds, and while today's world is more "convenient", it most defiantly is NOT a necessity. 

This area of cell phones obviously also covers the excessive "texting" world we have developed. Individuals are so attached to their cellular world they are loosing the ability to effectively communicate orally with one another.  The texting craze has also developed a new and expanded system of acronyms, Most of us will need an additional college degree to learn and understand most of them!!!!

It seems the next logical area that has a negative effect upon our society is the personal computer, and its sidekick, the Internet.  True, the internet is a valuable too, when used properly, however, for the majority it has become a faux world. Today many people don't leave their homes as they can pay bills and shop and socialize all via their personal computer. Again, not all roses. People are loosing valuable social skills and are developing illnesses due to the lack of human interaction.  Humans are social beings, and that being said, we require a certain amount of quality time with other human beings. It is in our nature, and that is a large part of the post techno age that is suffering. 

Children are a large portion of our society that are unknowingly suffering from the negative aspects of technology.  They are spending more and more time in front of screens and less and less time outside playing. A large majority of children today don't play outside for days or weeks at a time. They are however spending in excess of 50 hours a week in front of a screen.  That is MORE then a work week for an adult. That is pretty scary. They are also developing health problems never before seen in children, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  Children are also suffering the negative aspects of technology socially as well. They will prefer to play a video game rather then interacting with another child.  Over three fourths of children given the opportunity would choose screen time.  I see a gradual yet continual decline in human social interactions, thanks to technology.  

I know this photo may seem ridiculous, however, the reality is it is not. Children younger and younger are being exposed to technology, and they do not know any other way of life.  

Even dating has gone techno.  Gone are the days where people would go out into public places and interact with others and meet "someone special". That can be done with the aid of your computer, at home, in your jammies.   To me, this is a sad, sad realization. I wonder how much of my personal beliefs are grounded in the fact that I have lived in a world that was not so tech savvy as we are today? 

The medical field, while I am sure will be argued had seen the bright side of technology, also has it downsides.  I know, we are not quite to the point of making artificial humans, (humm,, ,hope I don't ever live long enough to see that), we are at a point that we are extending lives, and sometimes that is not always a good thing. With that comes population issues, housing issues, quality of life issues, and in general, issues that our society either is not ready to address, or is not equipped to address.  We are seeing rises in obesity and the related illness' that go along with that. Rising is the gastric bypass surgeries, that people are hoping will cure obesity, it doesn't!!  Other illnesses are on the rise as well, including many emotional illnesses. These are another direct link to the negative side of technology.

Finally, I would like to touch upon the financial/economical downside of technology.  So much technology, so little employment. Technology while it creates jobs, only does so for a select few.  The majority of workers out there are becoming displaced, and that in turn is causing a downfall in our economy.  As more and more older individuals return to school to become more employable (usually online classes,,, yet another technological advancement,,,, ,or is it??)  Email, instant messaging are all replacing the pen and paper.  The post office is suffering financially as well as newspapers and other publications.  It seems that there is no end to the downward spiral.

In this crazy technologically advanced world that we live in, I have come to the conclusion that there is a very real down side to the conveniences that we  take for granted each and every day.  I think it would be irresponsible to say anything to the contrary.  However, with that said, there is a plus side to it all.  What it boils down to is not weather or not is is ALL good, or ALL bad, but finding a balance between the two.  There are definite positives to all the technology that we have available to us, What we do with it, and how we utilize it is where I believe the problem lies.  Yes, I may be a bit jaded to the "good ole day's".  Could I live that way again? I would like to say YES,,,,,, and I probably could. but I would miss SOME of the comforts that are available to me in my world today.

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